Hi all, Thank you to those who have recently emailed me as to where I am. Ive not posted here for some time. The past 12 months I have struggled on and off with depression as a result from becoming empty nesters, my last living uncle (who is so precious to us) dying of cancer and nasty controlling power play church people who chose to spread lies against us resulting in no support from what we thought was our church family.... This has all rocked our world! Removing ourselves from this empty church community has been really hard for quite some time but necessary for our family and accepting that it will never be resolved as controlling gossipers rarely change. Everyone needs friendship so getting back on our feet and finding good supportive people to be around has been challenging and quite lonely at times. Change sometimes takes time.... I feel hesitant to tell my family happenings on here as I know they read my blog but to those loyal genuine blog followers that I have appreciated for many years our little family are all well and going ahead in life with leaps and bounds :-) God is gracious!
So I'm am unsure now as to where to take my blog from here as I have also had many problems connected to the whole paper craft stamping up thing to the point my instruction sales are few and far between so I feel I am at a cross road not just on my blog but life in general. creative wise I still keep myself busy and if you'd like to see what Ive been up to and get to know me more apart from papercraft on Facebook or Instagram please private email me. I guess I just need some time and space to sort out where to go with everything..... thank you in advance to those who understand.
Blessings to you
"Do not judge so that you will not be judged. "For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. "Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?…
Mathew 7:2
I am sorry to hear about all the things going on in your family right now. I have certainly missed seeing all your lovely cards. Keep your eyes on God and he will bring everything right.
God Bless,
I am so sorry to hear that you have been suffering as you have. It's very very hard when you discover that something you have always believed to have been a support is no longer there. That community IS out there, though, and if you can't find it you can BE it, for yourself and perhaps for others. Think of all the people whose lives you have touched through your art - we ALL support you and care about you.
Be well and when you are ready we will all be here waiting for you!
Sending (((((HUGS)))) and prayers your way. Sometimes creating can help, please know that I do not mean to push to you create I just know that I feel better when I am creating it helps to let my feeling flow. Please take care know that I am praying for you.
Thinking of you, not all church communities have nasty people like that and you will be guided to another one where you will join and love.
Rene from OZ xo
It grieves my heart that you have been wounded by the church. Have no doubt, that God the Father LOVES you just the way you are. Even if you had done what these people have lied about, forgiveness is yours for the asking and we, the church, are commanded to forgive. So Sister, Brother, press on and know that you are loved. Forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.....release them that the Father may show them their way, that they may be forgiven as well.
You are welcome in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ....Forgive, Forgive Forgive
I love you
so sorry to hear of your recent unplanned changes. all will settle and you will have a new normal. the sun rises each day anew. I love seeing your creativity so I hope you continue blogging. if not know that many have enjoyed your posts. safe journey as you make choices in your life.
So sorry Valita. My heart aches as I read your blog. Life can be cruel sometimes and people - well that can be even more ruthless. Especially people you thought were good church people. While things aren't clear sometimes, all things happen for a reason. Perhaps you needed to "clean house" as far as friends go or perhaps God was just revealing the truth behind certain people in your path. Sometimes we are deceived by those we care about and consider to be our best friends. I speak from experience. But all things will work out in time. Continue to Keep your eyes in God - He will NEVER let you down or fail you. I will keep in my prayers in the coming weeks. Remember after every storm is a rainbow!
I'm so sorry your family has gone thru the problems that some churches do. I went thru similar strife in two churches. Take all the time you need to find your bearings. You'll find the right church when you're r ready. Pray about it and God will lead you. In the meantime, please know that your family is loved. And we who do love you, will be here when you get back. Big squishy hugs, Jess
I'm so sorry to hear your news. As Sharon mentioned, forgive them for they know what they have done. Start each day fresh and take time out for you to heal. Do what makes you happy and take it slowly. Soon they will all become Good days. I always keep this verse by my side and it has helped me many many times. Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God. I will Strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. Lots of hugs and prayers.
So sorry about your troubles, sending big hugs and then more hugs...been in your shoes with empty nesters, church troubles and all that entails...it hurts now but will get better, I promise. Just keep your little hand in God's big hand and things will settle down. Prayers and big hugs.
We are all sinners...but God will never leave us or forsake us...trust HIM !
Sometimes, the Lord sees fit to challenge us, to make us stronger. You and your family are a strong unit and you will keep the strength and faith and find the path to what makes you happy again. I have enjoyed viewing your creations and hope you find the fun in crafting again.
Oh Valita, so sorry. You have been through quite a bit. Do not isolate yourself from your blogging readers. We all appreciate your talent and the fun musings about you and your wonderful family! They do grow up! Ours are gone and it was hard, but that is what the Lord commands we do, Raise them up...! Use that time to take a deep breath and then get ready for the weddings, and then the Grandchildren! Count the Blessings the Lord had given you. Besides your Husband and wonderful children, also your ministry of talent you share with all of us! I pray the Lord give you wisdom in your direction and I pay that you find another place to worship and to not forsake the fellowship of other Christians.
One time I struggled with a church and Mom always said, you will not find the perfect church here on earth, we will see that when we get to heaven! As angry as we can get with liars and bullies, we still need to forgive and just move on. Your fruits will show their lies and misgivings spoken wrongly about you and your family. Blessings to you and your family and mostly prayers for the Lord to touch you in a special way!
So sorry for all that you are going through. Continue to lean on God and he will get you through. Hugs.
People make life unbearable at times and I don't know why they do that, but unfortunately it seems to be that way. I have seen super kind folks hurt by vicious gossip and jealousy which causes a person so much pain and unhappiness. We have no right to judge others but we DO! Enjoy your cards immensely and hope you find peace along the way. Keeping you in my thought and prayers.
Have really really missed you and am saddened and sickened to hear of your distress, bereavement and abandonment by the people that should have been there for you in your hour of need. Whatever else happens in your life know that God is there with you and will always love you. Sending prayers x x x
Praying for peace in your life and in your heart! You are NOT alone, although I know you feel that you are. The first and most important thing you did was THIS! You reached out. We cannot control what others say and do but when we KNOW the truth we can go forward ourselves with a clean conscience. You are loved and missed. Take whatever time you need, we'll be here waiting for you... Take care.
I am so sorry for the troubles you've had. And yes, I have missed you! I always tell my daughter,"you can't control the minds of others, you can only control your own thoughts and actions." Be true to yourself and your God, and in the end all will be right and good. When you feel strong again, come back to the crafting community that loves you. We'll be here.
Valita, I've missed you! The struggles you and your family have been through are heart breaking. My belief in God and that everything truly happens for a reason. These experiences just plain stink!!
I'm so very sorry that you have had such struggles. I have always looked
forward to your posts, crafts and Bible verses. I will keep you in my
prayers. I would love to see other projects you are working on as I too
have moved other directions with my crafts.
Patty Price
So sorry to hear others has cause you saddness...
I hope to see you create again when your ready to do so...
You are one talented woman and we all loved your creation...
Just take one day at a time...
Sending you lots of hugs.
Take care
: Valita, I am so saddened by your post. I have followed your
blog for years and feel like I know you. I have admired both your talent
and your strength, especially with your religious beliefs. I know it’s trite,
but it’s also true. … We don’t always (in fact almost never) understand
why things happen but they generally happen for a reason and he usually has
a far bigger and better plan for us once we work through our trials. Please
know that you and your family are all in our thoughts and prayers.
So sorry that you and your family have gone through really troubling times. Trust in God and keep on keeping on. Your beautiful creative handiwork is missed by many folks. Wishing you brighter days and less worries. May God bless you.
So very sorry for all the things you are going through. It really hurts when a "Christian" does the wounding. I miss seeing your ideas for cards and hope you will soon know your new direction. I'd love to private e-mail you but I don't know how to reach you and I don't want to leave my email address on your blog. :( So, just know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
I have missed your blog posts and wonderful creations. I have also been going through many personal and life issues and not been able to create and/or post on my blog. Sometimes life becomes so overwhelming that one has to stop to take a breather. You have always been such an inspiration to me - know how much you have brought smiles and happiness to my life with your creations and videos. I wish you all good things in your life and hope to see you posting again soon.You have your wonderful family and your strong faith - I know you will come out on top. You and your family are in my prayers.
Barbara Diane
Praying that you find comfort and healing with all that is going on. You are so correct that gossipers and lairs don't change..Hang in there and take care. You are truly one very talented lady.....
Let the one without sin cast the first stone. Stand up and face your enemies, don't let them get you down!!! I too am about to face a empty nest as the last is about to move out, but I see this as a whole new part of my life! I am excited to the possibilities! Step back and take a good look at your live and change the things you don't like! You can do it!!!
Thanks you for posting something, as you have been missed and we were all wondering and worrying about you! So sorry to hear of all the problems you have faced this last year. There is a church out there, with good people who don't feel the need to gossip...you will find it, and real friends too! Take care and we will be here, ready to see your creativity!
You have all been in my thoughts & prayers.
I am so sorry about your problems. It's enough when you become an empty nester even when over the years you thought you could hardly wait!! I agree with the others that there is a church out there that will accept you with open arms. Some people think that by going to church regularly makes them "good Christians", but that's not the way the Good Lord intended people to be. Actually it's the way you treat other people. Keeping you in my prayers
I am so sorry to hear that you have been going through a tough time. It is very very hard when your support network is no longer there and even more so when it comes from within a church. I know too have sadly been hurt when I was diagnosed with a rare cancer and NOT ONE member from my church came to visit in the first 6 months afterwards. Even now I struggle to believe in myself, though I have just started making new friends and finding a new purpose. I am still seeking God's hand in this. Keep seeking the Lord and He will guide you.
Hey Ms. Valita! Just want to let you know you were lifted in prayer. Hope all is good and just bathe in the Lord's love for you. Buy the movie 'Heaven is Real' and sit back and enjoy. The book was awesome and I think the tidbit the Lord gave me was how I felt when the little boy says to his father...'Dad, Jesus really loves us'. Become as that child and hear that for the first time! Jesus really loves us. Imagine ...we must become as little children! What a revelation the Lord gave me!
Being a fellow empty nester, I have to admit it was hard and yes it was depressing. Keep seeking out the help you need to get through it , so you will be able to enjoy all the milestones in your children's lives. They are now doing as the Lord directs them! You raised them right!!!
Well, I am going in for a major surgery on my back Monday Aug 11, and I may not get to my emails for quite awhile. I think the last night I will be on my 'putor, will be tomorrow evening, and then it may be about 2 mos. before I will be able to tolerate a long period of time at a computer.
So take care my blog-land friend and trust the God has this in his hands, and also God so disapproves of gossipers and meddlers. They are kind of like the money exchangers in the temple, the ones Jesus ran out!
You are an inspirational and talented person. I am proud to call you friend! Blessing and the Lord send a peace to you that surpasses all understanding!
thank you for all your wonderful works
wish you the best for your life
and your family
would be happy when you come back
look on your own life and do whats the best for you
send you so much power and good wishes that all comes to a good end
xxx Annette
Hope your feeling better! I too have missed your beautiful cards and your idea. Please know others hold you dear!
When bad things happen to good people I remind myself that this too shall pass. Give yourself time and pray for guidance from the One who knows you best.
God Bless you,
Connie Adkins
I am sorry for the hurts you have endured recently. Somethings can't be helped and even are to be expected such as your kids fleeing the coop, but some things are doubly hurtful especially from people whom you expect a certain code of behaviour. I too have branched out from just papercrafts as my creative outlet as much as I still love it. Sadly I have seen people show me a side I hadn't expected after my cancer diagnosis. It was hard to acknowledge but with God's grace and fortitude, I am slowly moving on. I hope and pray you will be able to see where God wants you to be through all this! Don't look at people but keep your eyes on Jesus!
I am so sorry you and your family are still struggling. I had just started following you when you stopped posting your tutorials and I think you have such amazing talent. I look forward to the day that maybe you might come back and do them again. Hang in there, it is obvious to me that there are a lot of people out here that love you and are here for you. xox
Valita, I am so sorry to hear about your struggles. I will be remembering you in prayer.
Sending hugs & blessings.
I am just now reading about all you have been going through.
So sorry to hear of this...
Please know that I am thinking of you and praying for you and your family.
Valita, Keep your eyes and heart on God he will help through the difficult times. Wondered why I hadn't seen any videos on you tube. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.
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