These instructions are in pdf format that are delivered via download. After completing payment, you will receive an email from Fast Wagon with a link to download your purchase. If you don't receive the email, check your spam box. Contact me with any questions or issues woodyrey3@yahoo.com.au Non Australian buyers Please Pay Pal ONLY. If you are within Australia and don't have pay pal please email or phone me for bank details.If you are interested in these for workshops purposes please contact me for group rates! I know you will enjoy making these.
Thank you for your purchase.
Blessings to you

Pillow box die Slipper instructions $5.95

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I love how your mind works Valita! Love these!
Ah, just to live in your creative mind for a day would be fabulous. I close my eyes .... I see dark, you see fabulous slipper boxes! hugs to you, eileen
Your are amazing! Just ordered the tutorial now. Perfection! :<)
Wishing you a good day!
Barbara Diane
How I envy your creative mind Valita. These are great :)
Oh My Goodness!!! You are so creative. I love viewing your creations.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your creations!
I came from Juliet A's art blog, Ballpoint Bliss. I am soo glad I found your site again.
I absolutely love it and I made a card from your idea and posted it on my blog. I could not remember where I had seen it and so could not give credit but now I can.
Now I write everything down so I don't miss anything. :)
Thank you so much for your wonderful talent and sharing.
If you want to see what I did, my blog is http://whatwasoldisnewagain.blogspot.com
Je viens de découvrir votre site, il est magnifique, plein de réas superbes, avec une mine de bonnes idées. Grâce à vous, je vais pouvoir faire mes fleurs prima !! Je vais aussi tenter la carte-boite !
Merci !!!!!
Je n'avais pas covhé la bonne case pour mon précédent commentaires, toutes mes excuses.
Valita, those shoes are so adorable! I am giving you a Blog award... check it out at my blog: tukistryingtoscrap.blogspot.com! Thank you for being an inspiration!
these are just too awesome! TFS
I have ordered the tutorial. Thanks!
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