UPDATE: please note, Stampin
up no longer sells the bolssom petals punch used for a part of this project so to
get around this problem and continue for you to enjoy my projects I have
designed some replacement petals which are very similar and will allow you to
make the same projects. This will be included with your purchase download....
the up side is you don't need to buy an
expensive punch! You can refer to my instruction video as to how to use my template, thank you for your ongoing
support. Valita
Fashion Hats punch art Instructions $8.95

Blessings to you
Valita I ALWAYS find your creations STUNNING!! You have been blessed with a great talent!! THANK you so much for sharing that with us!!
nice & elegant
Oh, this is so so beautiful and sweet and unique!! I love it!
So creative...love it!!!
what a beautiful card love it
thank for showing
Very nice........very creative use of a fashion theme. Thanks for always sharing your ideas - love this!!!!
So pretty and a great video too. Lee x
Love the fashion hats! Great idea!
Oh wow I just love these!!
I just love your work! It is always so inspiring and informative. Thank you for sharing!
just wondering what type or hint of what the other hats look like..considering purchase...
you can see a small thumbnail on the right side bar with purchase details
Fabulous - purchasing the tutorial now...THANK YOU for sharing~)
Another fantastic creation, love your work
another fantastic punch art card. thanks for sharing.
I can't wait to get my file, so I can get into these hats, perhaps vintage style; thanks for designing this & offering it in a purchased file.
Love this, it's very creative. You have such great ideas. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Luv, Babs
Love the turotial Valida.That coming from the "Hat Lady"
Beautiful project! I've got an award for you, please pick it up here:
I watched your fringed flower video today, very pretty. I am amazed that some one would say that you should give all for free. You give so freely and I for one appreciate it, and what you do sell is so reasonably priced. Keep up the great work. http://sharonstampsalot2@hotmail.com
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