Hi all we just had a baby shower for my niece and her husband and though i would show some of the things i made for them. this card was made using a 1 and 3/8" circle punch, a small clip lock bag, a tiny rubber baby, some hair gel and a template found
here. I found this
link for tiny plastic babies , and also this
link. A touch bulky but just the right amount of hair get seemed to work pretty good, just make sure you tape all you layers down well. A close up......

so cute hey! i also made a nappy cake and one to eat for them...her sister had the cute little icing baby made for the top of the cake.

and while were on the subject of family i cant help but mention the achievements of our kids this year....our youngest daughter
Madaleine was awarded excellence in food technology coming first in her class for yr 8, 2009 and also was awarded a scholarship to the value of $853 for 2010 school fees. so proud of her! xx

Our oldest daughter Beth finished her certificate 4 in christian counseling in pastoral care and is off to uni next year to start primary teaching! she has also done a week as a
Red frogvolunteering as a hotel Chaplin for the
shoolies week here in Byron Bay well done Beth XX

Ben has just entered his last year of schooling doing 1 term already and has just bought himself a new car which he's so proud of. He was also awarded an $853 scholarship for 2010. they have all achieved and grown so much this year and we are very proud of them as their parents. love you all XX

And the family fun doesn't stop there....we also attended my twin sister wedding on the Gold coast and had a great day..... these are the belly bands i made for their invites .... all made with paper
frangipanis done with a small balloon punch

and i made this card and picture frame as a wedding gift..........

this is me and my twin sister Michelle..... So wow its been a crazy year 3 weddings a funeral, 2 baby showers kids growing up working through panic attacks, the perfect holiday and God has blessed us abundantly! no doubt about it! i hope and pray He has for you too!
and a last thought
"Its in Christ we find out
who we are, and what
were living for".
Philippians 1:11