Hi all, The suns out today and the pool was great. ive built up to 30 laps again after the tummy tuck and getting stronger. Dave and Ben brought themselves a small motor bike to play with but he wasnt impressed when it came while he was at summer camp. Oh and i forgot to tell you I got some new toys...A new cuttlebug machine and some round spellbinder nestability dies ....play time!!!
Ive been looking around and found the instructions for this cute little box on the net and tweeked it a touch to make it look like a heart. Found these yummy little heart marsh mellows to put in... mmmm well its still not valentines day so most of the hearts in this little box got eaten after i took the photo. Kids still on holidays! Heres the link for the
original box instructions. they made theirs into animals which look cool too and ill put some pics bellow as to how ive changed mine. Quite easy just a few extra cuts one to the top to create the round heart shape and the other to the flaps that either stay on the outside or as i have tucked them in. And instead of putting extra card over the front to cover the flaps Ive cut them a bit shorter, cuttlebug embossed the front flaps and used my scallop scissors and hole punch to create a lace up effect. Edged it all in black ink and use those cute heart brads to to hold the inner flaps closed.
When you have all the folds done fold in half and mark a circle shape and cut. this will be the top of the box.

Now fold the box as it will be when finished folding the long flaps up the inside of the box and see where you'd like to trim them off to.

So now your box should look like this ...with the top trimed round and the flaps cut so they tuck nicely inside the box

And heres a pic of how i attached those flaps to the inside.

Well it seems like many steps for a little box but i thought I'd just show you how i changed mine. Daves home now and were off to decorate our friends house and put some welcome home banners and balloons/ streamers up. They've been on holiday's in New Zealand and we managed to get a key! going to stash some food in her fridge so she dosent have to cook for sabbath lunch.
have fun and well talk next time. Valita
and a last thought
Kind words are like honey,
enjoyable and healthful.
Proverbs 16:24