
Monday, June 11, 2012

Death Star Birthday Card for all the Star Wars fans

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 Hi all, this one is for all you die hard Star Wars fans like my son! We went down to see him on the weekend as he fly's out to Nepal on Friday and he will have his 20th birthday at base camp of Mt Everest soooo exciting for him! So we made him a death star card and cake.... I know not the most popular card to make someone for their birthday but being a Star Wars fan he loved it! We also bought Beth back for her mid semester break and she is in the kitchen right now doing some cooking mmmm so nice! here is a pic of Ben's cake, this is the link to where i found a how to on this cake

please pray for the safety and God's blessing for Ben's group as the teach and travel.

Now some details on the card as i have fast forwarded the video so I wouldn't bore you all! I used a breakfast bowl to draw my circle, one on the fold for the card base and another full circle for the card front. the three smaller circles in the death star are 1 and 3/4", 1 and 1/4" and 3/4" circle punches. you'll need black ink and sponge, black sharpie maker, ruler, some diamonds and glitter.... watch the video below ....enjoy
I now have a pattern for sale....
Death Star card pattern $3.95

Blessings to you

and a last thought
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; 
I will counsel you with my eye upon you.
Psalm 32:8


butterflyamanda said...

AMAZING!!! love the cake I think your sons friends will tucking into that no problem, I hope they have a safe and wonderful trip tfs huggs Amanda

Crystal said...

Love that card!!!!! Good luck to your son on his adventure!!!

Whimcees said...


It IS cool! Only a mother's love could create such a masterpiece for a child! Your skill and creativity is an inspiration! I am sure that he enjoyed the card and cake and knows that his mum loves him! :<) I will keep Ben and his group in my prayers. What a fantastic adventure! Wishing you a happy Monday!


Barbara Diane

TLady said...

Valita! I laughed ALLL THE WAY THROUGH your video! The music went RIGHT WITH YOUR WORKING AWAY! :) WHAT AN EXCELLENT CARD & CAKE!!!!!!!!! Makes me think of my son & me trying to make him Batman cards & cakes! He's 20 too! :) That's a MAMAS' LOVE!!!!!!!!! :)

SpindleandDistaffCreations said...

Am always amazed at your God-given talent. Wow! Will be praying for Ben.
Suzanne in USA.

cardchick's world said...

how awesome is that!!!! the music made me went perfect with the speed..I was just wondering...was it a flat card??? it LOOKED like it is cruved was it the way you inked it?? you did a fab made me think it was a completely round (like a ball)....Prayers for safety and protection

Merry said...

YOu are so amazing....both the cake and the card are awesome. I wish your son and the group every success.

valita said...

cardchick's world ... yes it was a flat card the shading tricks your perception of it :)

AndreaA said...

The card and cake are unbelievable.
The music with the card was GREAT!!

My oldest Son would love this as well as my Grandson.
Both big Star Wars fans.
I still have all my Boys Star Wars toys from when they were little and they are now 36 and 41.
I could just sit and watch your videos all day. Thanks!!!

eddie said...

wow!! both card and cake (loved the background music)-- you're amazing. TFS. i will say daily prayers for ben and his group.

looking forward to your next video.

Carol Carriveau said...

Amazing husband and son are big Star Wars fans so want to make this for our son's birthday in August....wish I could slow down your video...!!!! Thank you for sharing another fabulous creation with us!

Carol Carriveau said...

So sorry, forgot to send best wishes to your son and the group he is with. What a once in a lifetime trip and way to spend his birthday! Am sure the cake was eaten very fast and enjoyed by all~

Smilie girl said...

Wow! So clever.
Happy birthday to your son and best wishes on his adventure!

- - Sheryl - - said...

Wicked Cool! Love the depth you got with the ink.

Carmen said...

Really awesome card Valita!

mel m. m. mccarthy said...

This is amazing, Valita! Love all the texture. And the cake is incredible too.

Unknown said...

Great job. I watched your video and had to pop over. New follower. I make a lot of handmade flowers too. Love for you to drop by my blog sometime.

papercompulsions dot blogspot dot com

Jackie Barfield said...

Love it!!!

Plastic cards said...

This is so nice. I really appreciate your work. Thanks for sharing this.

Nicole Brooke said...

What size pan did you use for the cake?

valita said...

the cake pan was roughly 9" across

Nicole Brooke said...

Thank you so much!