Hi all, its seems like ages since Ive posted and I thank those who have emailed me concerned at where I am. A lot has happened in just a few weeks..... our son got a late acceptance into the Uni he wanted near Newcastle and decided to leave the bus builders and go off to Uni.... a bit of a shock for us but after learning some valuable lessons in life as a mum I feel happy about his decision. He will be doing a Bachelor of Education (secondary)
TAS (Technology and applied studies) majoring in wood tech and minoring in I.T and Beth will start her second year of primary teaching. Wow I still cant believe we'll have two teachers in the family.
Madaleine starts year 10 of high school and is missing them both already! the house is so quiet :( So i thank you for your patience as we took the time to shop for Uni, spend some family time together and get them all settled for the year.
I had this made just before Ben popped all these changes on us and I hope you will enjoy this punch art Daffodil made with the new Blossom petals punch. Below are a few close up pictures and some instructions on how i made this plus a video! Please don't forget to link me back if you are creating and sharing these ideas on your own website, blog or youTube site :)
Blessings to you
Love your flower, Valita! Our kids are what make life interesting-that's for sure. Glad to hear everything is OK. I wondered if you were taking a little vacation as my husband and I hope to do soon. Thanks for the instructions!
Good to have you back! :) So glad everything is OK. How wonderful your son was accepted at the school he wanted....how proud you must feel!
The flower is gorgeous and thank you so much for the tutorial.
Della May
Glad to hear that you will still be doing video. Just found your websit and you are very talent.
Just love your videos - keep up the good work. Glad hear that you
just has to take time out for your family. They should always come frst.
God Bless
Your tutorials are always so inspiring! Thank you for sharing will us all! I enjoy your blog very much!!
I loved it. Thanks for sharing & video. good job
Great timing Valita it's St David's day! St David is the patron sain of Wales and the national flower is the daffodil!! Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful! So glad to know that you are back. I can't wait to try this. Thanks so much for sharing! Congratulations &Good Luck to your son!
It is so good to see your post and know that all is well with you and your family! :<) I love the beautiful flower and the video is wonderful! Thank you for sharing this great creation!
Take care. Wishing you a great week!
Barbara Diane
YAHOO!! you're back!!!! I have miseed your video tutorials so much.
Lovely idea! This will be on my punch inspiration post tomorrow. Thanks for sharing the instructions.
As usual I love your work and am inspired! As a matter of fact, I chose you when I had a chance to pass on the " STYLISH BLOGGER AWARD."
Here's what you do ... You should be able to right click on the award at my blog
Here's what to do next:
1) Thank the person who gave this award to you and link it back to their blog
2) Share 8 things about yourself
3) Pass this award to 8 other individuals
4) Leave a comment so that they can pass along the recognition!
wow! It's beauty!
Hi I think you are the greatest with flowers and I loved looking at your dresses they are great. Don't know if I can make them or not I am 70 years old and have all the aches in my hands that go along with the age but I sure like to look and maybe try them. Again THANK YOU
Until I saw your video, I had forgotten how much I love daffodils. They don't grow in Florida as winters don't get cold enough to set the bulbs. Will have to make myself some daffodils, thanks to your excellent tute! TYFS
Love this flower. Thanks for the tutorial. I am heading back from a vacation and can't wait to see my son. He's 29, but I miss him awful. Hope things settle down for you.
Valita you have a special God-given talent. Your work is amazing...it is so, so beautiful! How do you come up with all of these ideas? I love it. I've always enjoyed all types of crafts, and my latest love is scrapbooking. But I'm not a creator, I'm a copycat. I just stumbled upon your blog after looking at craftcritique.com. Oh, and two more things...I love that you share your love of crafting, and especially love the tutorials, but I also love that you use your blog to share scripture! If you don't mind, I'll be checking into your blog often. Bless you!
Vous faites des merveilles et je me suis inspirée de votre jonquille pour faire un atelier sur un forum, vous la trouverez sur mon blog ici http://lejardindhadrien.wordpress.com/
Elle n'est pas aussi belle que la votre, mais j'ai beaucoup aimé la faire.
Encore merci.
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