Hello, well Autumn has started and im sitting here with cold fingers and toes already. We love this season the weather is cool enough to snuggle under the doona at night and warm enough to go for a swim in the day, Perfect! the stars are also very beutiful here at this time of year. Gods blessings are all around. Now to these 3D eggs.... these are not my original idea but i like to pay with ideas and see how i can tweek them.
You will need :
Oval punches or dies
printed paper of choice
stamping inks
shape punches to decorate
double sided tape

to make the hanging egg i punched out 10 ovals inked around the edges folded each in half pattern side in. Using double sided tape start to stack then up in 2 lots of 5 ovals.

Until you have something that looks like this. I was looking at different ribbons one day and saw these hair ties thought they would be great for something....thinking of scrapbooking at the time and bought a whole bunch of them

Lay one half of your egg out and attach ribbon down the center leaving a loop at one end and tape both egg halfs together then tie a bow through the loop to hang with. Decorate with other shape punches or however you like.

Heres a card i made using the same concept but i used 10 smaller ovals and attached it to my card as a half egg to give it a really full look you could add more ovals to the above hanging egg also. Have a lovely start to Autumn or Spring where ever you are in the world...Valita

and a last thought
Your kindness has often refreshed
the hearts of Gods people
Philemon 7