Hi all, Just letting you all know that my video camera has died right when I wanted to set it up in my new crafting area...... not impressed !! so I'm in negotiations with hubby to share his new GoPro action cam.....wish me luck , LOL ;-) I would also like to let you know that Ben and the mission trip went really well in Brazil, they completed there volunteer work ahead of time and all went smoothly. We were glad to see him home again and have enjoyed seeing his photos and hearing his many travel stories! Again I'd like to thanks all those who donated toward this mission in Brazil. The local Amazon people were very grateful. He is now starting his last year at Uni. Madaleine is settling into life in Ireland and just completed a paddy tour of all of Ireland and loved it! We enjoy our Skype sessions with her at some odd hours!! your continual prayers for her would be very appreciated. Beth is a few weeks in now as a grade 2 primary teacher and has been flat out to say the least! Its been a blessing to both Dave and I to have her living with us for a while and helping her with the endless class preparations (now an expert at laminating!). So hang in there with me, this new year has started off pretty slow in regards to paper crafting etc putting other priorities first. We thank some very real and sincerer friends for encouraging us through last year making some hard changes and helping us to see whats most important... our true identity dose no lie in what people think, do or say about us past or present but how God sees us!
Blessings to you
and a last thought
Man looks at the outward appearance,
but God looks at the heart ... 1 Sam. 16:7
BLESSING VALITA!!!!!!!!!;) Even when our kids have gone off to college, we aren't done as Parents! :) So, glad to hear you are putting your family FIRST & what GOD WANTS!!!! MANY BLESSINGS TO YOU & YOURS!!!!!!!!!;)
You are truly blessed!Family should ALWAYS come first. There will be plenty of time for other things when they don't need us as much!
I was rearranging my stash and thought of you when I found your flower patterns. They are now where they should be! lol I'm glad the kids are doing so well. Prayers will continue for them and you and Dave too. Sorry about your camera, but hopefully Dave will share. Take care, Hugs, Jess
You have some wonderful kids and what a blessing they are to others. Thank you for sharing your time and family with your blogger family and I wish you all the best.
Wishing you all the best! Looking forward to seeing new creations! :<)
Barbara Diane
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