Hi all, Apart from the kids being home..... this winter for me has been quiet, most of the work I get outside the home is in the warmer months. So I decided to teach myself to read crochet patterns and expand on my creative learning, I have always loved crocheting but was never taught how to read a pattern so a big shout out and thank you to all those who record learn to crochet tutorials on YouTube so people like me can learn visually! I have just finished this blankie which I'm putting away for my future grand-kids one day (I have two finished now)

So I was here in my craft room today and wanted to share with you some others hobbies I love. About 12 months ago I started to teach myself the Ukulele and I have a nice little collection of them now in all the sizes except a baritone.... I don't read music I write the letter of the chords above the words and play like that, which works for me :) sooooo I though it would be a bit of fun to show you what I have learnt so far... don't laugh.. well of course you can laugh!! Ive spent a lot of this winter in my PJs and I think its sent me a bit nutty! lol
I love this site for Uke stuff
One of my biggest all time loves is collection shells I have done this since i was a small kid. My mother would teach us how to spot the best shells as we walked along the beach and I have shown our kids how to do the same...and I thank her for that.... it has left me with a real appreciation for the things that God has created for us to enjoy. Oh and during this winter my Mother finally found out who her real Dad is!! she also has a brother and two sisters living in England that she didn't know about... I'm so happy for her!
Talking about shells.... last sabbath we were walking on Crescent head beach and came across the most amazing colorful star fish, there were so many of them ....here are a few pics
Aren't they amazingly beautiful !!
Ok so here's what I recorded for you on my Uke below, its called "Beard Song" by Sophie Maleleine....Oh no!... be kind to me!
Blessings to you
and a last thought
praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your
works; my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the
Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written,
every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there
was none of them.