Hi, Im excited to show you some of my new Fresh fold patterns that i have for sale.
Stitched flowers scrappers addition and
Big Bugs stitched scrappers addition. You can read more on my
pattern blog.... but to kick these off im going to share my free Rose Bud pattern with you as a step by step tutorial so you can get a little feel for what's in the packs for sale. Remember all my patterns are done with a basic knowledge of Iris Folding.
This is the finished Rose bud card

Step 1. Print out the pattern to suit your card size

Step 2. Using a light box or window trace the out line onto your card front
and cut out using a sharp craft knife. This is where i cut 2, one to keep as a
template and store it with the pattern for later use and the other to work on.

Step 3. Remember you are working on the back of your card front now
Tape your pattern to your work surface then position the cut out over the pattern
lightly tape this down also.

Step 4. Now the fun part starts. hopefully you have already chosen your colours.
i use a patterned scrappbooking paper for all the scrappers addition sets
the smaller the print the better the effect.
These next pics will show you how to do the corner folds so its important to follow the numbers. and tape each one down as you go. DON'T get any tape on the pattern or this will show on the finished card front.
Corner fold 1.

Corner fold 2.

Corner fold 3.

Numbers 4 & 5 are normal IF folds and here number 6 is shown as the first leaf
.....if your not sure on these fold go
here and see some examples.
Now all other fold are done in a normal IF fashion.
and this is what it will look like...i know messy and weird but
remember you working on the back!

Ok now carefully take the finished folded card front off your work surface
trim off any tape thats hanging over and it should look like this!

Cool hey...did you say oh wow when you turned it over....i do every time!
Now i added Faux stitching using a pricking tool and the dots on the pattern as a guide, go
here if you want to make your own pricking tool.....all this additional info on stitching is in the packs

Next use a fine marker to join the holes.

Connect up the stem and your finished. Go ahead now and decorate your card front
how you like, you can use mine for inspiration. I'd love to read your comments on
what you think of these and love you to go over to
my pattern blog and take a peek. I hope you enjoy making them as much as i enjoyed creating them
until next post.....Valita
and a last thoughtGods says, "At just the right time, I heard you.
On the day of salvation i helped you."
Indeed God is ready to help you right now.
2 Corinthians 6:2