Hi all....after the rush of the weekend wedding and putting kids on and off trains we now have Beth home with us for 6 weeks while she dose her last teaching prac before she graduates... Ben turns the big 21 on Wednesday.... Wow where has time gone! it was so good to all be together even if it was only short :)
Soooo I thought I would continue with some more monster fun.... this one is a get well card for a friend of mine who has just had surgery. Really quick and easy to make ! the pic below has a list of supplies :)
Here's a girl version!
Ive also just finished this giant doily.You can find the details
here on my pinterest page along with some other crafts Ive finished lately.
now sit back and enjoy the video :)
Blessings to you
and a last thought
Obey God and not people.
Do not drift away from Jesus for nothing and no one
Acts 4:19-20