Hi all, where has time gone!! its almost the end of the year with our youngest finished yr 10 and our two older young adults finishing their first and second year of Uni !! our little family is certainly moving on in different directions. So we told the kids our Christmas surprise when they were up on the weekend! we will be hiring a house boat for a whole week over Christmas on our local Nambucca river, fishing 24/7, swimming and relaxing together, couldn't think of anything better :) and we also had one other surprise. Dave and I will be recommitting our marriage together in a small get-together of a few close friends on a dock down the river and will have the house boat for the last night. We have spent the last three years working through past problems and hurts with
a great christian counselor which we will be ever grateful for. We also discovered along the way that some of our happiness moved out with the kids and we had to get it back. Our faith in a God who ever cares and love us has paid off we know now we can face the years to come without our kids at home with joy and happiness and a love and respect for one another. So these are the invites we sent out and some glass tags we made..... very simple but elegant, you can also watch the video below on how i made these and I hope you may get some ideas from them..... enjoy
Blessings to you