It's all too exciting but yes i have just signed up to be an independent Stampin up demonstrator so go easy on me at first im still getting my head around all this and hope to have some more links up here for bookings and orders etc very soon. I love all there products and have done for some years as you would see with a lot of my punch projects. I especially love how everything coordinates together from stamps with punches to inks with papers and markers etc and have found there products to be of a very high quality. This dose not mean my whole blog will now be stampin up only as i have had lots of other ideas of my own which i will continue to publish. I need to thank Juliana for helping me and i have a feeling i will need a heap more help yet! so for now if you would like to browse the catalogue just click on the pic below and i will soon have my own business links up for you all. just a thought.........whats in your cup? is it just stuff or has it overflowed on the table with Gods blessings of love, grace and His hope in your life!