drive from where we live and3 times bigger than Sydney habour
This is one of our swimming beaches called Shelly Beach on sunset
And looking up the mouth of the Nambucca River just around the corner from this beach also at sunset
Our Family present we bought this year were 3 Kayaks
Madaleine was given fishing gear and loves to fish...although looks like in this pic shes showing me the size of the one that got away...LOL
Our local pool where i do all my laps
The summer shave for our 3 dogs...this one is Milly shes the bravest!!
BBQs with friends.... this was Dave birthday in Dec....
Christmas guess what Madd. got!!
Christmas Day picnic lunch in my parents backyard under the mango tree.
enjoying my twin sister's new baby
Me and My twin sister

Beth on boxing day we were out again on the kyacks
New year eve on the Scotts head beach ready to watch the fire works
The fire works were up on Elephant headland right above where we were sitting on the beach this pic dose not give it credit for how big it was
My sister lives near Brisbane which is a 5 hour drive from we surprised her at her party
and My 40th party...... I have to thank Dave and the kids for they went to a huge effort to make this night such a fun night for me...putting up some cool lights on the verandah and fairy lights in our gorgeous frangipani tree.....i loved it

this was after alot of people had left...and no im not drunk...we dont drink alcohol just good old fashin fun!!! loved it!
so thats been our summer so far ...heaps of good memories great company and God's leading and Blessings. Both our older Kids have had summer jobs and Beth has just been employed for the year in a bakery/cafe so she can save some money for college...but its so quiet here this week with them all at summer camp Beth rang us and as well as the band singing they've got her as a counselor for one of the girl dorms she was really happy... Ben and Madd, are campers......... warm thoughts and blessings to you all....Valita
and a last thought
And we know that all that happens to us
is working for our good if we
love God and are fitting into His plans.
Romans 8:28
And we know that all that happens to us
is working for our good if we
love God and are fitting into His plans.
Romans 8:28